The Tagging of products in pharmacies is primarily based on the sticker tag.

However, what is often not mentioned is the difficulty users experience in deactivating the sticker once the item is sold. Most stickers are deactivated using a ‘touch pad’. This is where the assistant at the counter must rub the sticker vigorously on the pad to deactivate it. Time consuming and annoying. Some sellers can give you a pad that will deactivate without touch, it still requires a few swipes though and must be on your countertop… in the way !

A Checkstock deactivator is different,  It is US. made and of the highest quality, it deactivates instantly, and audibly with a bleep, up to 30cm above the pad, AND it works through the counter (wood, glass, ceramic) which means it is generally placed conveniently under the counter… out of the way !

The first thing to ensure when using stickers is that the ‘back up’ equipment is high quality, this ensures that you have faith in the system, both that it alarms when it is meant to, and deactivates when it is sold. This US. deactivator and a high quality set of German made antennas feature in our offer for pharmacies. See these on our special offers page.

Checkstock Stickers:

Checkstock have a range of 7 sticker sizes, allowing a suitable sticker to be available to tag even the smallest items. The 4 most commonly used are..

Standard 4cm x 4cm Sticker : The 4cm x 4cm sticker is the most commonly used sticker. Its large size allows for excellent detection even on wider exits, yet it fits onto the majority of items. It comes with a fake barcode printed on the upper side making it inconspicuous. Bulk buying and use also makes this the cheapest sticker available.

The ‘Nova’ 3cm x 4cm Sticker :

 This sticker is only slightly smaller then the standard and is used on packages where the standard sticker is slightly too wide. As with the standard sticker it is also printed with a fake barcode.

The ‘Delta’ 3cm x 3cm Sticker :

A slightly smaller again sticker, used on items with very little space to put a sticker. Very popular unbarcoded as a pricing sticker, with barcoded also available.

The ‘Micro cosmetic’ Sticker : 

Quite simply the smallest, thinnest, lightest security sticker on the market today. Its design is ‘see through’ which allows users to place it over the barcodes on products such as lipsticks and eyeliner and continue to be able to read the barcode at point of sale. Perfect for one of the most ‘at risk’ items in a pharmacy, these being small sized cosmetics.

Some re-usable tags are also used in Pharmacies; These are :

The Optical Tag :

Secures prescription eyewear and sunglasses alike. Easily removed with a Checkstock detatcher. The Checkstock detacher removes all styles of hard tag.

The Razorblade Safer.According to current statistics on crime, the most frequently stolen item in Ireland is not Denim Jeans, it is in fact disposable razorblades ! Their high value and small size have seen them top the ‘most stolen’ list for a number of years now. Easy to re-sell they remain the crooks favourite. yet with a razorblade safer the crooks cannot get near them !! (safers also available for perfume’s and hand creams etc). Easily removed with the Checkstock detacher.

The Blister tag :

The Blister tag is best suited for securing certain packaged items in pharmacies, particularly higher value items.

The Spider-wrap tag :

Used for securing high value boxed items in open display.


So why not give us a call on 01-8320080 and avail of our special offer to protect your pharmacy and save you money.